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chelseyg 03-30-2011 08:36 AM

Can't get users into wordpress from vbulletin

I have managed to get the plugin working correctly, finally, but I'm confused why I have mapped my users and I cannot see ANY new users in wordpress.

I've just seen a thread saying this isn't supported anymore ..? That VB users cannot access WP? I kind of thought this was the point of the plugin, and now am at a loss as to how to get this working! WOuld you be prepared to be paid for additional work on the plugin?

I've basically got the forums and wordpress site on the same domain, mapped my users with no probs, tried to log into Wp with VB login but can't get in..

Chelsey :confused:

Jeff 03-30-2011 08:39 AM

When the bridge was first being remodeled, we didn't need admin access for our uses. We have since included it.

You will not see the users when you view users in the WP admin. Users however will have the access you give them.. Users are not written to the WP database (nor is anything else except options), the VB database is used directly. This way if you change a users usergroup, it will be immediately reflected in WP.

So providing you enabled WP admin control panel access as per the instructions, yes VB users do have the access you mapped them for.

chelseyg 03-30-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 439)
When the bridge was first being remodeled, we didn't need admin access for our uses. We have since included it.

You will not see the users when you view users in the WP admin. Users however will have the access you give them.. Users are not written to the WP database (nor is anything else except options), the VB database is used directly. This way if you change a users usergroup, it will be immediately reflected in WP.

So providing you enabled WP admin control panel access as per the instructions, yes VB users do have the access you mapped them for.

thanks for your reply, re this point:

So providing you enabled WP admin control panel access as per the instructions, yes VB users do have the access you mapped them for.

the instructions didn't make sense, the variable I was asked to look for wasn't there in vbbridge.php - ##define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);

I assume vbbridge.php is the plugin file, yeh?

Jeff 03-30-2011 08:44 AM

Yes. It is the 13th line in vbbridge.php. We made this so you have to manually enable it via the code because if it were an option you set via the control panel, you could lock yourself out of the WP admin if incorrectly configured. This allows you to manually turn it on and off.

Alternately, you could add this to your wp-config.php:


define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);

chelseyg 03-30-2011 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 441)
Yes. It is the 13th line in vbbridge.php. We made this so you have to manually enable it via the code because if it were an option you set via the control panel, you could lock yourself out of the WP admin if incorrectly configured. This allows you to manually turn it on and off.

Alternately, you could add this to your wp-config.php:


define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);

That line isn't in my vbbridge.php file - I think I have the latest version, tbh its been really difficult working out what is :)

I've added it to my wp-config file instead, and now see the cookies error message again which I thought I'd resolved (seems to be intermittent) so I'm unclear if its mapped users. Do I have to manually map users, or once the plugin is working is it automated?

but still can't log into wordpress with my vb login..

Are you prepared to take on paid work to resolve this?

Is there any debugging I can do?

Jeff 03-30-2011 08:51 AM

I am not taking any paid work at this time.

If you do not see that line then you did not download the proper version of the bridge. The proper version is located here.

The beginning of the CURRENT vbbridge.php file should look like this:


Plugin Name: vBulletin Wordpress Bridge
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin will bridge to VB so VB users can comment on articles bridge users.  For detailed instructions please visit <a href=''></a>.  Sponsored by <a href=''>Social Knowledge</a>.
Version: 10.0.6
Author URI:

## If you want to try to use this in the adminCP then uncomment the next line
##define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);

chelseyg 03-30-2011 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by chelseyg (Post 442)
That line isn't in my vbbridge.php file - I think I have the latest version, tbh its been really difficult working out what is :)

I've added it to my wp-config file instead, and now see the cookies error message again which I thought I'd resolved (seems to be intermittent) so I'm unclear if its mapped users. Do I have to manually map users, or once the plugin is working is it automated?

but still can't log into wordpress with my vb login..

Are you prepared to take on paid work to resolve this?

Is there any debugging I can do?

Ok, have downloaded the new version - now get this: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page!!!

Can you also please clear up a couple of questions, does the plugin no longer map users so you can log into wp / vb with the same account? is it just comments now?

Is the mapping of users automated or manual, so if a new user signs up do I have to re-map again?

A shame you can't take on any work, we really want to use this plugin but are really struggling with going thru all the different threads and no downloadable docs..

Thanks :)

Jeff 03-30-2011 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by chelseyg (Post 444)
Ok, have downloaded the new version - now get this: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page!!!

I am assuming you did not map users properly then. Comment out the line you just uncommented and check.


Originally Posted by chelseyg (Post 444)
Can you also please clear up a couple of questions, does the plugin no longer map users so you can log into wp / vb with the same account? is it just comments now?

No, you can still login into WP/VB with the same account. You do have the OPTION to make it a comment only bridge.


Originally Posted by chelseyg (Post 444)
Is the mapping of users automated or manual, so if a new user signs up do I have to re-map again?

It is automatic. The only time you should need to map users again is if you add a new user group in VB. You would then need to map that group in WP if you wanted that group to offer some sort of WP access.


Originally Posted by chelseyg (Post 444)
A shame you can't take on any work, we really want to use this plugin but are really struggling with going thru all the different threads and no downloadable docs..

All the documentation is in the first post of this thread. I work 60 hours a week with 3 kids at home (one a newborn). Just is not enough time, sorry.

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