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UT1 03-22-2011 02:21 PM

WP User<vB User
I have a problem with some urgency as my site is set to open in two days.
Essentially, I'm having an issue of functionality with the users feature. I'm running a news site with multiple authors, whose names I would like to display as "First Last" when they author articles, however, they can have any username they want on the forum. Since installing the bridge, the vb username seems to overwrite any WP user settings. Is it possible to have "First Last" as the WP user format for Contributors and above?

Also, does the bridge import avatars from vb to WP?


Jeff 03-22-2011 02:26 PM

What I would recommend you do is disable the admin area integration by commenting out this line:


define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);


##define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true);
By doing this, you separate users using the WP admin area (wp-admin) from VB users. Users in the WP admin area would have separate logins. VB users will be able to comment on WP posts and depending on your theme you should also see their avatars.

UT1 03-22-2011 02:28 PM

Thanks for your quick responses! I will try this and edit this post to let you know how it works. Also, I was thinking that it was my theme after reading a similar thread.

Edit: After checking vbbridge.php, I saw that the line in question was already commented out. I had the bridge deactivated at that point, so I re-activated it, and tried to login with my WP credentials, no luck. I can only log in with my vB username, and all of my posts are authored by my vB username, not "First Last". Actually, when I try to enter additional info from the WP admin for my user profile, it does not save, defaulting back to vB settings.

UT1 03-22-2011 02:46 PM

Should I not map the contributors, authors, editors, admins then?

Jeff 03-22-2011 02:57 PM

It should not matter who you map when you have commented out the code.

Are you logging into the WP admin exclusively? Meaning, don't login on another other page except wp-admin.

UT1 03-22-2011 03:12 PM

If you mean I am only using the WP-admin page to log in, then yes. If you view my homepage,, there is a login box widget on the right, which I can enter my vB credentials to access the wp-admin dashboard. I can PM you my info if you would like to see what's going on for yourself.

I don't use the actual forum to login anymore.

Jeff 03-22-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by UT1 (Post 402)
If you mean I am only using the WP-admin page to log in, then yes. If you view my homepage,, there is a login box widget on the right, which I can enter my vB credentials to access the wp-admin dashboard.

I don't use the actual forum to login anymore.

I mean, only login from this page:

UT1 03-22-2011 03:17 PM

I use that page sometimes, but only my vB login credentials work, and I am unable to save my First and Last name and change display settings. When I enter that info and press save, it reads that it saved at the top of the page, but the fields are cleared.

Jeff 03-22-2011 03:19 PM

Hmm not sure why this is happening then. If you have commented out the code then it simply should not be working when you are in the WP admin CP.

UT1 03-22-2011 03:28 PM

Yeah, I don't believe I ever commented it out so it must've been that way by default (line 12 of vbbridge).

But, I've actually run into yet another problem. In messing with the map settings, I've changes "Map vB usergroup Administrators" to "Do not map" and now I can't login to wp-admin at all. I had to deactivate the plugin, because I was getting a 500 error. Now it just won't accept my credentials. Sorry for the hassle

Jeff 03-22-2011 04:50 PM

Just delete the bridge files and it should fix any issues you are having. The bridge does not change any WP data so once you delete it, you should be back to where you started before you installed.

Jeff 03-23-2011 04:38 PM

This might fix your issue. Change this code in vbbridge.php


if ( (!preg_match('#wp-admin#', $_POST['redirect_to']) and !defined('WP_ADMIN') and !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') and !$_GET['preview'] and !$install) or (defined('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE') and !$install)):


if ( (!preg_match('#wp-admin#', $_POST['redirect_to']) and !preg_match('#dashboard#', $_POST['redirect_to']) and !defined('WP_ADMIN') and !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') and !$_GET['preview'] and !$install) or (defined('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE') and !$install)):
Let me know if that fixes it for you. :)

UT1 03-24-2011 01:32 AM

Sorry I didn't reply sooner. What I did earlier was rename the /vbbridge folder to deactivate, which eventually allowed me to login. However, I later realized there was some sort of residual "bridge effect" when I use the facebook connect plugin to register, a WP and a VB account are created, however, this is not the case when not use facebook connect. But, the display name issue finally cleared up.
Unfortunately, it seems like some of the accounts re-bridged to different usernames. I also can no longer activate the plugin (fatal error), I tried the above steps, and those from before, and no joy. The timing on this couldn't be any worse as my site is set to open in a few hours. But, I've decided I may not be able to use the plugin, despite its usefulness, at least until things are sorted out.
Thank you for your speedy support through all of this though. Hopefully, I'll be in a better position to donate in the future.

Jeff 03-24-2011 06:33 AM

If the facebook plugin did something, then it did it on its own. The bridge does not write to the wordpress database, simple as that.

If you received a fatal error, then I assume you did not copy the code correctly.

Good luck!

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